Trump is shitting his pants. This is not hyperbole. This is not fake news. It would be really, really funny if it weren’t so fucked up that the mainstream media is lying to you about it.
A horrifying video has surfaced of Donald Trump shitting himself during a speech at Notre Dame, and it’s not an isolated incident. For years, insiders like former Celebrity Apprentice staffer Noel Casler have been exposing Trump’s incontinence issues—allegedly a side effect of long-term stimulant abuse, like Adderall and cocaine. Casler revealed that Trump has been wearing diapers since the 1990s, and his bowel mishaps were so frequent on Celebrity Apprentice that production had to regularly stop filming for “cleanup.” The nickname for his aide Keith Schiller? “Wet Wipes.”
And yet, despite Casler breaking his NDA to make these allegations public in 2019, Trump has not sued him. This is not due to a lack of resources or an aversion to litigation—Trump is infamous for suing critics and reporters for far less damaging claims. The fact that Casler remains legally untouched strongly suggests Trump and his legal team do not want these allegations scrutinized in court. A lawsuit would require depositions and discovery, opening the door for corroborating evidence to emerge.
In short: If Casler were lying, he’d have been sued him into oblivion. The silence is deafening.
Other notable figures have backed up Casler’s claims. Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger recently confirmed Trump’s disgusting odor, describing it as a revolting mix of “armpits, ketchup, a butt, and makeup.” Trump’s incontinent episodes have even been caught on camera—like during his infamous 2019 press conference with Turkish President Erdogan. The audio doesn’t lie, folks. Listen for yourself.
How does this shit keep getting ignored?
The media’s reluctance to cover this topic is outrageous. Imagine if Biden or Kamala were shitting their pants in public. The mainstream media would burn them to the ground. But Trump? The media is happy to turn the other cheek because here’s the lie: The MSM isn’t Democrat or Republican. It’s the Billionaire class.
The proof is obvious. This is a cover-up.
From leaked footage of soiled pants to public mishaps that even casual observers can’t ignore, there is no excuse for the media blackout. How can we trust a man who can’t control his bowels to control the country? His ongoing stimulant abuse and physical deterioration are more than just embarrassing—they’re dangerous.
In just 36 days, Donald Trump will likely shit himself at his own inauguration. Are we really okay with this? It’s time for the media to stop protecting him and start telling the truth.
Wake up, America. The emperor has no clothes—and his diaper is full.